Crew Managers

Make your hiring process easier and efficient with ShipHire. With ShipHire you can easily manage the entire recruitment process - from posting job vacancies and reviewing qualified applications to conducting interviews and extending offers - all in one place

Manning Agency

Viewing Hiring alerts and act on it ShipHire platform let you view hiring alerts from different shipping companies registered with the platform. You can propose candidates available in your pool for positions announced by the ship managers. The manning agency also gets to see the current status of the proposed candidate as he passes through each stage of recruitment at the ship manager’s office


Simplify your job search and stay informed Register with ShipHire today to receive notifications for maritime jobs that match your preferences. Whether you're an experienced sailor or a cadet, our platform makes it easy to find opportunities that fit your needs. Register your interest or apply for a vacant position through the easy-to-use and intuitive interface of ShipHire. Stay updated on the status of your job application using ShipHire mobile application available both on Android & iOS

Simplifying your recruitment process

Why Choose Us?

For Crew Managers

ShipHire makes managing your hiring process simpler, faster and more efficient. Upload your vacancy. We notify relevant registered users as well as the wider audience viewing our social media and partner sites, forwarding interested applicant profiles to you.

We are trustworthy

With strong industry associations such as the International Association of Marine and Shipping Professionals (IAMSP), We are a name that you can trust.

For Seafarers

ShipHire makes it easy for you to keep a watch on vacancies that match your needs and qualifications, have us forward your application and profile to those that you decide interest you, and monitor its progress in the selection process. Your data is GDPR, ISO and SOC2 secure at all times.

GDPR certified

We take care of data security of the candidates registered with ShipHire, and for the compliance obligations of employer organisations using our platform. Data processed by ShipHire Data Pvt Ltd, who is GDPR Certified, SOC2 Type I Attested and ISO 27001 Certified, conforming with all European Union data protection legislation.


Everything in one place

Whether you are a hiring organization or a candidate, the ShipHire platform brings the entire process of hiring, or of finding a new position, into one place for you.

As a hirer, you can manage the entire process of advertising vacancies, receiving and vetting qualified applications, testing, interviewing, shortlisting and making offers within ShipHire.

As a candidate, you can build, store your profile and keep it updated, manage your criteria for being notified of vacancies, express interest and complete an application, track its progress, complete tests, carry out interviews and accept or decline offers.


How It Works

Effortlessly discover your ideal candidates with a few straightforward steps.


Register an
account to get started


Explore over
Comprehensive and automated recruitment process


Find the most
Uncover the best suited candidate


In many ways, but principally by consolidating the entire source and hire process for all your vacancies onto one GDPR certified platform; and by eliciting applications through the platform from interested and correctly qualified applicants.

ShipHire is flexible to accommodate most variations of methods. Which means your method can be incorporated into ShipHire.

If you work in the shipping sector, it can be used for every position, from Cadets to Master, Chief Engineer, and Superintendents.

Absolutely. We take the security of both employer and candidate data extremely seriously, and are GDPR Certified, SOC2 Type I Attested, and ISO 27001 Certified, conforming with all European Union data protection legislation.

We can adverstise on your behalf.

You have complete control over your profile on our platform. We will never send your profile to any hiring organization unless we have received an instruction from you via the platform that you wish to apply for a job about which we have notified you.

Of course yes. Manning agents will add value here too. We shall tell you how when we meet you.

Yes. Like Manning agents. They complement our ATS.

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